Guidelines for parents watching kids classes
We are excited to welcome the parents back in to the Academy to watch kids classes if they prefer. We want to make it clear that you are not required to watch, but moving forward you will once again have the option to watch if you would like to. You can help us keep the Academy clean, and help your kids get the most out of their training experience by following these guidelines:
- Remove your shoes and leave them in the shoe rack when entering the Academy.
- Do not coach your kid from the bleachers. This helps us to provide a fair and respectful environment for all students.
- Do not come on to the mat during class unless requested by an instructor.
- Please keep your conversations as quiet as possible. If your phone rings, please step outside to handle it.
- Parents are more than welcome to bring siblings to watch. If a baby or young kid starts crying, please step outside so it does not disrupt the class.
- When possible, reinforce the topics being discussed in our daily mat chats at home.
It has been a very challenging last year, and it feels so good to be getting back to normal. We want to express our sincere gratitude to all of the families that have supported us over the last year, and to the new families that have joined recently. The Academy wouldn’t still be here without you!
We look forward to seeing you soon!