BJJ | Kickboxing | Muay Thai | Kids Develop the Courage for Greatness Being comfortable during combat “In the fight, only one person can be comfortable. Your job is to transfer the comfortable from your opponent to you.” Rickson Gracie ANNOUNCEMENTS – October 4th Alberto Crane Seminar-This seminar is for all levels and you…

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3/25/2019 Curriculum McMahon Training Center

3/25/2019 THOUGHT OF THE WEEK: Overcoming fear through acceptance BJJ FUNDAMENTALS A. Armbar and Kimura from Guard Clinch B. Triangle from Guard BJJ INTERMEDIATE Breaking Grips, Passing Half Guard\ BLACK BELT Passing Open Guard Week 2 KICKBOXING Boxing MUAY THAI FUNDAMENTALS Boxing MUAY THAI INTERMEDIATE Boxing KIDS MAT CHAT Don’t make things worse by Arguing…

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Curriculum March 18, 2019 McMahon Training Center

3/18/2019 Martial Arts Curriculum THOUGHT OF THE WEEK: Tackle the Monster BJJ FUNDAMENTALS A. Haymaker Defense, Back Control and Attacks B. Haymaker Defense, Seatbelt and Attack BJJ INTERMEDIATESingle Leg Defense, Half Guard Bottom BLACK BELT Passing Open Guard KICKBOXING Knees MUAY THAI FUNDAMENTALS Opposite Stance Fighters MUAY THAI INTERMEDIATE Opposite Stance Fighters KIDS MAT CHAT…

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