Adult BJJ and Muay Thai Kickboxing Schedule Changes Starting March 1, 2020
We asked for your feedback and got some awesome ideas on how to improve both our BJJ and Muay Thai Kickboxing programs. Here is a description of the changes we have made.
Link to the new schedule can be found here if needed.
BJJ Teen/Adults
• Added Monday and Wednesday morning all levels BJJ classes from 6:30 A.M. – 7:30 A.M. Rise and Train!
• Monday night competition class is switched to randori but will still be supervised by Prof. Finnie and will have opportunities for optional competition focused training including takedowns.
• Added a Tuesday night 7:00 P.M. no-gi advanced class that will run the same time as the gi intermediate class.
• Switched the Friday evening drilling class at 5:30 P.M. to an All Levels BJJ class taught by Prof. Rich. Half hour technique and one hour randori still to follow.
• Renamed “Black Belt” class to “Advanced” to clear up any confusion.
Muay Thai Kickboxing Teen/Adults
• Sunday from 11:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. we have an all levels Muay Thai Kickboxing Open Mat for students to do bag work or pad work. Class will not have formal instruction and sparring is not allowed. Get some awesome extra training in!
• We will continue to keep similar class structure and have the three levels in our striking program of beginner, intermediate, and advanced. We renamed our classes to clear up confusion. Kickboxing class is now “Muay Thai Kickboxing Fundamentals”. MT-Fundamentals is now “Muay Thai Kickboxing Intermediate.” “Muay Thai Int./Adv.” is now Muay Thai Kickboxing Advanced.
We are always open to feedback from our students. If you have any questions, ideas, or feedback for us please let us know!
– MTC Staff and Coaches