MTC Weekly Curriculum 2/5
WEEKLY CURRICULUM 2/5/24 Announcements Fight to win is coming up this Saturday in Denver. If you are planning on doing it, please put your name on the list near the instructor station. We will be holding weigh-ins for the event at the Academy on Friday February 9th from 5:00-6:00. If you want to come down…
MTC Weekly Curriculum 1/29
WEEKLY CURRICULUM 1/29/24 Announcements The next Fight to win BJJ competition that we are going to as a team is coming up on February 10th in Denver. Adults can participate once they receive their 3rd stripe on their white belt. If you are interested, make sure to come to our new competition practice on Friday…
WEEKLY CURRICULUM 1/22/24 Announcements -Training day this Saturday January 27th. All adult classes are canceled. –Reminder about our new intermediate schedule on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evening as well as our new adult BJJ competition practice called “War at Four,” on Friday afternoon. Only students that have received their 2nd stripe on their white belt…
MTC Weekly Curriculum 1/15
WEEKLY CURRICULUM 1/15/24 Announcements -If you didn’t hear last week, we’re making some changes to our adult BJJ intermediate class schedule. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, the intermediate class time will shift from 7:00-8:30pm to 6:00-7:00pm –We’re also introducing a new adult BJJ competition practice called “War at Four,” starting on Friday, January 19th, from…
MTC Weekly Curriculum 1/8
WEEKLY CURRICULUM 1/8/24 Announcements Next week we’re making some changes to our adult BJJ intermediate class schedule. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, the intermediate class time will shift from 7:00-8:30pm to 6:00-7:00pm, running it at the same time as our fundamentals class. –We’re also introducing a new adult BJJ competition practice called “War at Four,”…
MTC Weekly Curriculum 1/2
WEEKLY CURRICULUM 1/1/24 Adult BJJ Announcements Save the date! On Saturday, January 27th from 11:30am-1:30pm, we are planning on holding an adult BJJ & Muay Thai training day. These events are a great time to get everyone together, do some good training, and do some belt/shirt promotions. All other adult classes will be canceled for…
MTC Weekly Curriculum 12/18
WEEKLY CURRICULUM 12/18 Announcements -We have one week left in our proshop sale and food drive, if you haven’t already, bring in some food. –The Academy will be closed for all regular classes between Christmas eve and the New Year. Regular classes will resume on Tuesday January 2nd. We will have BJJ randoris and MT…
MTC Weekly Curriculum 12/11
WEEKLY CURRICULUM 12/11/23 Announcements We wanted to remind everyone that we have two weeks left in our food drive. We just got some new hoodies and t-shirts in, so not only can you enjoy a discount on the new gear if you donate food, but you’ll also be making a difference for families in need…
MTC Weekly Curriculum 12/4
WEEKLY CURRICULUM 12/04/23 Announcements We are holding a month long food drive and Holiday sale in the pro shop from December 1st to the 23rd. Most everything in the pro shop is 10% off this month–get an extra 10% off if you bring in non-perishable food for the food drive. Everything on the clearance rack…
MTC Weekly Curriculum 11/27
WEEKLY CURRICULUM 11/27/23 Announcements -We are holding a month-long food drive and Holiday sale in the pro shop from December 1st to the 23rd. Everything in the pro shop is 10% off this month–get an extra 10% off if you bring in non-perishable food for the food drive. Everything on the clearance rack (located outside…